We Are All City Builders

A cooperative city building game to inspire communities to implement sustainable living ideas and to teach 21st Century Skills.


You have just been elected to the city council. During your next term in office, as a team, you will build a neighborhood, as sustainable as you can think of, covering topics such as housing, waste management, and governance and you will be faced with social challenges and climate emergencies. How will you build your city to support your needs and those of your community ? How do you define 'sustainable city' ? How do you organize and strengthen the social fabric of your community ?

During the game, each team is responsible for their own city, and their decisions is their own to make and to justify. They build infrastructures, refurbish the streets, and propose regulations and community projects. Following the game session, the group takes part in a plenary session where cities are analyzed and discussed. Our award-winning game is designed to help implement sustainable living ideas, but it also enables the development of 21st Century Skills, such as critical thinking, creativity, empathy, problem solving, communication, and collaboration. While playing, participants learn how their creativity can be powerful when they know how to nourish, adapt and communicate their ideas, turning their thoughts into real-life change.


Impacts —
5 000+ participants in schools and businesses across Canada 

Date —
Since 2016


Color Coded Wooden Tiles
A color coded language is created to guide and facilitate discussions on sustainability related topics. Wood is our material of choice for its durability, steardiness, and smell.

Based on Real Life Studies
Design problems are provided in the forms of maps and scenarios. These are inspired from real cities typologies and events.

Agile Design
The game is designed to be a versatile tool. It is used as a frame to create other extensions. We have extensions on energy efficiency, urbanism, and immigration and integration. Designed for Open Space Method, it can be played with large groups, and with children and adults.


Youth Program
Our games are supplementary to the school curriculum and designed to assist teachers in the learning of environmental education and design thinking skills.
Subscribe to our Youth Program to receive a FREE session. Conditions apply.

Team Building
Looking for a team building activity that will bring awareness and mobilize your team to sustainable development ? Keen to learn your team's interests for your sustainable policy ? Our sessions are a bridge between team building and training. They are designed to trigger sustainable and organizational changes within the work environment.

 We Played Together :

• Lachine-Est
• Marcelle-Mallet 
• Polytechnique Montréal
• Polyvalente Lavigne 
• Réseau Environnement
• Télus Communications
• UdeM 
• Université Laval 
• Yves-Rocher
• And more …

• Banque Nationale
• Bibliothèques de Montréal 
• Calixa-Lavallée
• Centre François-Michelle
• Collège Bois-de-Boulogne
• Collège Jean de Brébeuf
• Desjardins, Caisse de Lévis 
• Écocert Canada
• École des Technologies Supérieures
• Génium 360

Conferences & Events

• Musée McCord, 5 à 9 au McCord – Montréal du futur : 1967-2067, 2018 
• Équiterre, Course Changer le monde, 2018
Foire Écosphère, Environnement et Écohabitation, 2017 et 2018
• CSDM, Colloque Mon Climat et moi , 2017
• Fondation Monique Fitz-Back, Sommets jeunesse sur les changements climatiques, 2018 
• Festival Eurêka! , 2016 et 2017
• OuiShare Québec, Festival Éco2Fest, 2016 et 2017
• Colloque ENvironnement JEUnesse, Ludification comme outil de mobilisation, 2021 et 2018
• Américana 2019, Ville durable et ludification
• Consultation publique pour Lachine Est et le GRAME
• Sommet Jeunesse Laval, 2019
• Colloque IFDD 2018, Femme entrepeneure et médaillée Or

  • “A little bit of maths, a little bit of sciences, a little bit of environment. There is a lot of content in this game.”

    — High school teacher, translated from french

  • “This game is really instructive. Having to reach consensus on strategic decisions is insightful for business development.”

    — Participant, Team Building, translated from french

  • “I learned that each of us, as citizens, have a responsability to play and that all our roles are essentials.”

    — High school students, translated from french

  • “Because of this game, I learned to find solutions to social issues by myself.”

    — High school students, translated from french